The middle stage of weaning

Practice munching and gulping.



・Nutritional requirements

Although weaning increases the frequency of weaning, more than 70% of nutrition comes from breast milk or formula. It is OK to give enough breast milk or formula to your baby after weaning if they seem to want it.

The recommended meal plan is a menu with a staple meal, main dish, and side dishes, and increase the amount of protein-rich foods while being conscious of nutritional balance in weekly units.


・Cooking guidelines and methods

The standard consistency is about the same as silken tofu or pudding, which can be easily crushed with the tongue. The size should be chopped finely at first, then minced into 2 to 3 mm cubes, and finally coarsely chopped into 3 to 4 mm cubes.

Chicken and fish tend to be dry, so you can make it easier to swallow them by thickening them with potato starch and other ingredients.


・Amount and feeding method

Close both upper and lower lips tightly, and encourage the baby to move the tongue and upper jaw.

Place the spoon on the baby’s lower lip so that the baby can see the foods in the spoon. The amount of food in the spoon should be easy for the baby to eat, not a pile of spoonfuls.

Wait for the baby to take the spoon into their mouth and then slowly remove it.

After the “moo-goo, gobble” is complete, offer the next bite.


・Recommended foods

7x rice gruel

Carrots, pumpkins, potatoes, radishes, tomatoes, broccoli, etc.

Fruits (grated, mashed, chopped)

Seaweeds (soft-cooked and chopped)

Chicken meat (boiled and frozen, then grated and cooked smooth)

Whitefish, or redfish after the baby is used to it


Ground natto (fermented soybeans)


・Other points to note

Keep the baby’s back straight and their hands let free to move in a comfortable position so that it is easy for the baby to mooch.

Depending on the baby’s mood, today’s baby may eat a lot and tomorrow’s baby may eat less. Take it easy and watch your baby’s growth.


Recipe for baby food with vegetable flakes

please look at it
